It’s almost spring, but not yet. We just tapped our maple trees, and anticipation is pretty high. So is more than a spoonful of doubt.
This will be our second season, our first (last year) being an absolute failure. Last year, we tapped way too late, around the end of March I think. We ordered a kit for tapping maples online, and didn’t have the slightest idea what we were doing. I kept the sap in buckets in our garage for weeks, thinking that when we were done collecting the stuff that we could cook it down all at once.
The first time…
It turned rancid, and was a total loss. First season down, lesson learned. So, here we are, season two! This is a big deal for us. We’ve drawn the proverbial line in the sand and are determined to grow more and produce more of what we eat as a family. Methinks the popular phrase with the kids nowdays is food freedom. I like both freedom, and food. I’m all in. So, bigger garden this year, first order of meat chickens coming in a few months, and tapping maples. We like to eat. Pancakes, waffles, ravenous kiddos, weekend special breakfasts. I mean, maple syrup from our own trees?
Come ON! You KNOW it would be amazing…
Looking ahead –
So, lot’s more Youtubes research, book reading, planning and more than a bit of hope. Our kids helped me get the buckets ready, drilled holes, and hammered in the taps. Needless to say, they’re also pretty darned happy about tapping maples.
Maybe it’s the contrarian in me that like things like this. Or simply the fact that I really enjoy listening to farmers like Joel Salatin, and reading Wendell Berry. The better things take time. Getting close to the dirt, the anticipation of seeing the drips of sap from the freshly drilled holes in the tree. Hearing the excitement of our kids even when their hands are cold from washing buckets, the wind picking up with a threat of fresh snow overnight.
Seems worth it to me.